Prague, Czechoslovakia - 1968
V noci z 20. na 21. 8. 1968 prekročili vojská piatich štátov Varšavskej dohody SSSR, PĽR, BĽR, NDR a MĽR hranice Československa. Začala sa okupácia. Táto udalosť ukončila proces demokratizácie československej spoločnosti. (On the night of August 20 - August 21, 1968, Eastern Bloc armies from five Warsaw Pact countries invaded Czechoslovakia.) by: bezo1981
On the night of August 20 - August 21, 1968, Eastern Bloc armies from five Warsaw Pact countries invaded the ČSSR. During the invasion, Soviet tanks ranging in numbers from 5,000 to 7,000 occupied the streets. They were followed by a large number of Warsaw Pact troops ranging from 200,000 to 600,000.
During the attack of the Warsaw Pact armies, 72 Czechs and Slovaks were killed (19 of those in Slovakia) and hundreds were wounded (up to September 3, 1968). Alexander Dubček called upon his people not to resist. He was arrested and taken to Moscow, along with several of his colleagues.
The occupation was followed by a wave of emigration, unseen before and stopped shortly after (estimate: 70,000 immediately, 300,000 in total[1]), typically of highly qualified people. Western countries allowed these people to stay and work without complications. (wikipedia)